Monday, December 19, 2011

Frog Dissection

I completed this dissection online, because I was absent on the two days that this task was completed. The following website was used to give me a thorough understanding of the dissection of a frog: To begin, the website provided photos of the incisions of the frog, followed by the identification of each organ. It specifically explained how the organs should look, and it also included photos and videos to complete the visual. This tool allowed me to see the whole of the dissection without completing it myself, and it was very helpful when preparing for the test.
This task, like the worm dissection, helped us compare life systems of other organisms to human life systems. Though I personally dislike dissections, they have allowed me to expand on my knowledge of life systems and how alike organisms are. I am curious to see how further dissections will work out for me.

(photo from

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